Define best friend? HAHAHAHA Apa yang aku faham, best friend ni someone yang ada dengan kau masa susah senang, bahagia, sedih, sakit, share everything. Kalau ikut konsep tu, yes I don't have any. Is it normal?
I'm no stranger to surprise. I'm just looking for some real friends because all they ever do is let me down. Well, been feeling so alone in crowded room.
Someone once said, once you remove those toxic people from your life, you're gonna have a small circle of your surrounding. It's better that way because people nowadays only take advantages of others. Pantang nampak kita senang, mesti ada je yang tak puas hati.
Yes, aku setuju. Now I know that they only wants what they don't have. Sebab ni jugalah aku dah tak percayakan orang. Susah sangat. Kawan aku pernah cakap yang dia suka cara aku. Aku tak mudah percaya orang, tak terlalu open dengan orang yang tak dikenali.
Tapi sebenarnya aku juga manusia biasa. Aku juga perlukan someone to talk with. I just wanna talk about nothing with somebody that means something, spell the names of all our dreams and demons.
When I'm alone again, can I run away to somewhere beautiful where nobody knows my name?